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+421 918 994 093 (po-pi: 8:00-13:00)

CD Death Angel : The Bastard Tracks - CD+BD


598 kč 546 kč



  1. Lord Of Hate (Live)
  2. Where They Lay (Live)
  3. Why You Do This (Live)
  4. Fallen (Live)
  5. Absence Of Light (Live)
  6. The Organization (Live)
  7. Execution / Don’t Save Me (Live)
  8. Succubus (Live)
  9. It Can’t Be This (Live)
  10. Let The Pieces Fall (Live)
  11. Faded Remains (Live)
  12. Volcanic (Live)
  13. Falling Off The Edge Of The World (Live)
  14. Guilty Of Innocence (Live)
  15. Alive And Screaming (Live)
  1. Opening
  2. Bastard Tracks Commentary
  3. Where They Lay Commentary
  4. Why You Do This Commentary
  5. Lord Of Hate Commentary
  6. Lord Of Hate (Live)
  7. Where They Lay (Live)
  8. Why You Do This (Live)
  9. Absence Of Light Commentary
  10. The Organization Commentary
  11. Fallen Commentary
  12. Fallen (Live)
  13. Absence Of Light (Live)
  14. The Organization (Live)
  15. Succubus Commentary
  16. Execution / Don’t Save Me Commentary
  17. Execution / Don’t Save Me (Live)
  18. Succubus (Live)
  19. Let The Pieces Fall Commentary
  20. It Can’t Be This Commentary
  21. It Can’t Be This (Live)
  22. Let The Pieces Fall (Live)
  23. Faded Remains Commentary
  24. Faded Remains (Live)
  25. Volcanic Commentary
  26. Volcanic (Live)
  27. Alive And Screaming Commentary
  28. Guilty Of Innocence Commentary
  29. Guilty Of Innocence (Live)
  30. Alive And Screaming (Live)

Kolekcia 15 zostrihov a zriedkavo uvádzaných skladieb skupiny Death Angel.
„The Bastard Tracks“ nahrané a vysielané naživo 22. mája 2021 v legendárnej Great American Music Hall v San Franciscu počas pandémie.



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Hlavní partner

HOLLYWOOD C.E.S., s.r.o.
Bernolákova 14
031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš
Slovenská Republika

+421 918 994 093
(po-pia: 08:00-13:00)
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